
For us as a bank, governance is one of our most important areas. Our governance is clarified by means of policies and instructions that cover large parts of our business, and makes it possible for us to fulfil our objective of being a transparent and respected bank.

Governance at Bluestep Bank

For us, governance comprises a broad range of elements, such as our organisation, the responsibilities, roles and targets of management and employees, to the conducting of our business, risk management and our control environment. By ensuring proper internal management and controls, we can operationalise our business model, take care of our customers, and ensure regulatory compliance.

It is of the utmost importance that our management and employees understand and embrace the shared approach to governance, and we therefore review and clarify what governance actually means to Bluestep Bank as a bank.

Bluestep Bank's governance is clarified by means of a number of policies and instructions that cover diverse areas, such as sustainability, conflicts of interest, ethics, remuneration, complaints management, the granting of credit, outsourcing, risk management, capital management, regulatory compliance, processing of personal data, money laundering, information security and reporting.

A transparent bank

We strive to ensure we are a transparent bank, and we therefore make relevant policies, targets and results available to both our customers and to the market. We regard transparency in our approach to governance as an important part of Bluestep Bank's sustainability work, and in the second half of 2023 we will be publishing additional relevant policies, practical examples and other information on our website.

Published policies:

Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven)

The Act aims to promote companies respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions and ensure the public's access to information.
The Act requires enterprises to carry out due diligence assessments in order to stop, prevent and limit negative consequences on human rights and decent working conditions.

Bluestep Bank AB (publ) and its established branch offices ("BBAB" or the "Company") have performed an assessment in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The report contains Bluestep Bank's statement including our due diligence assessments under the Transparency Act Statement 2022.

For inquiries regarding Bluestep Bank's human rights work, please contact us at

The polices and instructions published on this webpage have been approved by the Board of Directors of Bluestep Bank AB (publ). The aim is to publish the policies and instructions in an open, transparent and clear way. Certain information contained in the policies and instructions, which would be inappropriate to disclose publicly have, however, been redacted. Except for this, all information is presented in the same way as in the original documents.